Quantcast // frameJammer_hp V2.0 var agt = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); var is_major = parseInt(navigator.appVersion); var is_iemacdud = (agt.indexOf('msie')!=-1) && (agt.indexOf('mac')!=-1) && (is_major < 4); function frameJammer_hp(){ var framedPage = location.search; if (framedPage.length > 1){ framedPage = framedPage.substring(1); var theSplit = framedPage.indexOf('~'); var thePage = framedPage.substring(0,theSplit); var theFrame = framedPage.substring(theSplit+1); eval("top."+theFrame+".location.replace('"+ thePage+"')"); } } if (is_iemacdud){ setTimeout('frameJammer_hp()',1500); } // frameJammer_hp End
The Persian Sphinx Three Magi
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The Persian Sphinx

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